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The Real Stuff, a well established brand of CBD smokables in California, approached me to rebrand their product for the Mexican market. By using their product I was able to build digital assets that would help me constitute a new narrative.


Merging both digital and physical marketing material was essential to prepare an unfamiliar audience to a new genre of smokables.

Because this is a producta that is already for sale in the US market, I decided to target a distinct demographic when it came to the Mexican counterpart. With subtle adjustments in the color palette, type, and a new website I succeeded in giving this product a refreshed image.

Role_Lead Designer

Brand Design, Mobile Design, Web Design



The Real Stuff, Mauricio Cienfuegos




Mexico is a relatively new market for CBD products as it has only recently allowed the sale and consumption of such products. 

  • it is slowly transitioning to more natural remedes for medical issues

  • the Mexican society is always looking for the best products the US has to offer


Smoking has a rooted cultural aspect in Mexico. From historic indigenous rituals to the present nation wide acceptance of cigarettes and e-cigs.

Recently there has been a push for more medicinal and natural smokables as people want to get away from the dangerous chemicals found in traditional smokables.


Because the new audience is looking for a natural alternative, I decided to create a design system that altered the color to a more fresh aesthetic. This would eliminate any negative ideas of the new smokables and create a new experience for any future products.

I only made changes in: Colors, Spacing, and  Typography.

This complimented the existing product and worked with the already established brand design making it seem as it was always meant to portray the natural sensation.


HEX #000000





Having set a new design language that complemented the original brand, I moved on to the sculpting and building of the digital assets. This would allow a new wave of ideas to form for the marketing of the product. As well as attract a fresh audience that looked for these type of visuals in their social networks.

Promotional Material

The Real Stuff MX
CBD smokables
The Real Stuff MX

It was essential to apply the new design changes on the website/e-store. I developed a design for the site that would show the new audience the refreshed look of the product. With the simple changes made it became much easier for the customer to digest the information and understand the purpose of the product. A medicinal smokable made with all natural ingredients. 

The Real Stuff MX
The Real Stuff MX

Being this was a rebranding I took my design expertise and applied them in a meaningful way. Having little control over the actual design of the product and their original brand I challenged myself to build a completely new image with minimal design changes. I learned that although a product can have an impact on a new market with subtle changes in its public image.

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